Sunday Worship 主日聚会
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05/26/2024 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers  9:00AM (美东EST)

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM (美东EST)
628 Just As I Am 照我本相
53 I Have A Friend Whose Faithful Love 我有一位奇妙救主
276 More Holiness Give Me 主使我更爱你

饼杯诗歌 Communion:
581 Lord Jesus, I Long In Thy Presence To Live 主耶稣我羡慕活在你的面前

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目Title:神所预备的救恩 Title:The Salvation Prepared by God
经文Scripture:帖前 1 Th 5:1-11
讲员Speaker:苏朝乾 弟兄 Brother Zhaoqian Su

给孩子们的问题: Questions for kids:
1. 主耶稣再来的时候,信耶稣的人和不信耶稣的人,会有什么不一样的经历? When the Lord Jesus returns, what will be the different experiences of those who believe in Jesus and those who do not believe in Jesus?

2. 旧约哪些地方讲到 “主的日子”,这个词有什么含义? Where does the Old Testament talk about “the day of the Lord”? What does this word mean?

3. 护心镜是什么东西?v8里面的这些装备为什么很重要? What is a breastplate? Why are these equipment in v8 very important?

4. v10里面的 “醒着,睡着”,是什么意思?请分享您 “睡着”的时候,神对您不离不弃的经历。  What does “awake, asleep” in v10 mean? Please share your experience of God never leaving you while you were “asleep.”


讨论问题 Group Discussion

1. 你是否渴望v3a里面讲的 “平安稳妥”,你的安全感来自哪里? Do you long for the “There is peace and security” mentioned in v3a? Where does your sense of security come from?

2. 在这段经文里面神为我们预备了哪些恩典(请至少找出五个恩典),好让我们将来得荣耀? What graces has God prepared for us in this passage (please find at least five graces) so that we can be glorified in the future?

3. 如果主耶稣明天回来,您今天会做什么? If the Lord Jesus came back tomorrow, what would you do today?