2024 感恩节退修会 Thanksgiving Retreat
註冊網址 Registration Link: https://retreat.ectcnj.org

 Sunday Worship 主日聚会
Zoom Link For Online Gathering 线上聚会链接

Hymn Book 诗歌本链接:

上午堂 Morning Service

10/06/24 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers  9:00AM (美东EST)

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM (美东EST)
364 Trust and Obey 信而顺服
As the Deer 如鹿切慕溪水
86 Nothing But The Blood of Jesus 无祂只有耶稣宝血

饼杯诗歌 Communion:
79 The Old Rugged Cross 古老的十字架

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目Title:书写生命的神 The God Who Paints Our Lives
经文Scripture:约拿书 Jonah4:5-11
讲员Speaker:喻马可弟兄 Brother Mark Yu

讨论问题 Small Group Discussion
1. 请仔细分析体会约拿的言行。他如何反应了人的天性?你从中能否看到自己的影子。Please analyze and interpret Jonah’s actions and his words. How does he reflect human nature? Can you see yourself from his portrait?

2. 从经文里,你如何看到神在书写约拿的生命?神对你有类似的工作吗?From the scripture, how can you tell that it is God who is painting Jonah’s life? Does similar work happen on you?

3. 为什么约拿书看似没有”正式”的结尾?Why doesn’t the book of Jonah have a ‘formal’ ending?


下午堂 Afternoon Service


10/06/24 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers 1:30PM (美东EST)

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 2:00PM (美东EST)
343美哉,主耶稣 fairest lord jesus
571我时刻需要你 I need thee every hour
196 主替我还清 Jesus paid it all

饼杯诗歌 Communion:
我每静念那十字架 when I survey the wonderous cross

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目Title:书写生命的神 The God Who Paints Our Lives
经文Scripture:约拿书 Jonah4:5-11
讲员Speaker:喻马可弟兄 Brother Mark Yu

讨论问题 Small Group Discussion
1. 请仔细分析体会约拿的言行。他如何反应了人的天性?你从中能否看到自己的影子。Please analyze and interpret Jonah’s actions and his words. How does he reflect human nature? Can you see yourself from his portrait?

2. 从经文里,你如何看到神在书写约拿的生命?神对你有类似的工作吗?From the scripture, how can you tell that it is God who is painting Jonah’s life? Does similar work happen on you?

3. 为什么约拿书看似没有”正式”的结尾?Why doesn’t the book of Jonah have a ‘formal’ ending?