9/30/2018 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers 9:00AM

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM
向主欢呼 Shout to the Lord
每当我瞻仰你至圣容面 When I Look into Your Holiness
有一件事 One Thing I Ask

擘饼中敬拜主 Worship in Communion
我每静念那十字架 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

家事报告,迎新 Announcement and Welcome

弟兄姐妹分享 Brothers/Sisters Sharing
讲员 Speaker: 李佳宜 陈紫芝 李毅

  • 通知与代祷
    Announcements and Prayer Requests
    1. 特别安排:本周日(9/30)信息后没有分组讨论,我们会有集体游戏时间,让大家在游戏中有交流的机会。午餐后需要有弟兄帮忙会所整修,包括地下室墙壁油漆。希望大家能够留下来帮忙。请根据情况调整自己的着装。
      Special Arrangements: There will be no small group discussion after sharing this Sunday (9/30). Instead, there will be group games which may be a good opportunity for fellowship and bonding. After lunch, we will need brothers to help with painting the basement and some other work for the church facility. Please reserve your time and dress accordingly.
    2. 成长学习:从下周日开始(10/7),下午1:30-2:30,有生命造就的交通聚会。10月共有三次聚集,分别在7日,21日和28日。请弟兄姐妹预留时间参加。交通的题目为“擘饼聚会”。请阅读哥林多前书11章和《在基督徒里长进》第三十课。
      Spiritual Growth: Starting next Sunday, there will be gathering between 1:30 and 2:30 PM for brothers and sisters who seek further spiritual growth. There will be 3 meetings in October (10/7, 10/21/ and 10/28) We will first focus on the topic of “Breaking the Bread”. All ECTC coworkers shall reserve time to attend. Please read 1 Corinthians 11 and <Grow in Christ> Chapter 30.
    3. 同工会:下周六(10/6)上午10点,在ECTC有同工会和感恩节退修会的筹备会。请各岗位同工预留时间参加。
      Coworkers Meeting: There will be coworkers meeting followed by Thanksgiving retreat prep meeting next 10AM on Saturday (10/6) at ECTC. All coworkers please reserve your time and prepare your heart.