11/04/2018 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers 9:00AM

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM
 静默在至圣的主跟前 Be Still for the Presence of the Lord
自耶稣来住在我心  Since Jesus Came into My Heart(205)
荣美的救主 Beautiful Savior

擘饼中敬拜主 Worship in Communion
靠近主  Close to Thee(558)

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目 Title:活出福音的秘诀 The Secret of Living Out the Gospel
经文 Scripture:加拉太书 Galatians 2:17-21 
讲员 Speaker:刘志雄弟兄 Brother Peter Liu

家事报告,迎新 Announcement and Welcome

分组讨论 Small Group Discussion

  • “求在基督里称义,却仍旧是罪人”是什么意思?What does this verse mean? “But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners.”
  • 活出福音的秘诀就是死和活。我们怎么死,又怎么活?The secret of living out the Gospel is “to live for and to die for”. How should be die? How should we live?
  • 一个人怎么可以废掉神的恩?How can someone nullify the grace of God?
  • 你怎么解释“因信称义”。How would you explain/interpret “justification by faith”?

通知与代祷 Announcements and Prayer Requests

  • 请弟兄姐妹继续为感恩节聚会代祷。还未注册的弟兄姐妹,请尽快至以下网站注册,以便同工安排各项事宜。Please continue pray for our Thanksgiving Retreat. If you have not registered yet, please do so as soon as possible. https://www.ectcnj.org/retreat/registration.html
  • 今天下午1:30 – 3:00有退修会小组长交通和培训聚会,请勿缺席。There will be a mandatory fellowship/training session today for all small group leaders (Thanksgiving Retreat) from 1:30 to 3:00pm. 
  • 会后仍需弟兄姐妹留下帮忙清理会所。We will need brothers and sisters to help with building cleaning this afternoon.