2018 感恩节退修会信息讨论问题 Discussion Topics for Retreat Messages


Message One:It’s All His Fault (James 4:1-12)

讲员:赵家纬弟兄 Speaker Brother Wayne Jau

讨论问题 Discussion Topics

  • 人与人之间的嫉妒和争斗是哪里来的?Where are jealousy and fighting from?
  • 要解决人与人,人与自己之间的问题,唯一的出路是什么?What is the only way out in dealing with problems among each other and within oneself?
  • 一个人怎样才可能谦卑?雅各书告诉最重要的态度是什么? 你在雅各书教导谦卑的一些教训中有哪些操练?How can anyone be humble? What is the key attitude in order to achieve a humble life?Have you ever practiced the teachings mentioned in the book of James (ch4)?
  • 什么是论断人?论断显出怎样的生命实质?What does it mean by ‘Judging Others’? What kind of life quality does “Judging” reveal? 


Messsage Two: Leave Me Alone (James 4:13-17)

讲员:黄毅郎弟兄 Speaker: Brother James Wong

讨论问题 Discussion Topics

  • 这段圣经告诉我们神不喜欢我们做计划,是这样吗?Is it true that this passage tells us that God doesn’t like us to plan?
  • 以基督为中心的生活,就等于神要干涉你每一个生活细节吗?Is it true that a Christ-centered life equals to a God-micromanaged life?
  • 对你来说,以基督为中心的生活是什么意思?What does a Christ-centered life mean to you? 


Message Three: I Want to be Rich (James 5:1-6)

讲员:简志敏弟兄 Speaker:Brother James Jian

讨论问题 Discussion Topics

  • 我们还想做富人吗?Do we still want to be rich?
  • 钱是神的钱,我们不过是管家。这个真理会改变我们用钱的方式吗?Does the truth that we are stewards of God’s money change the way we spend our money?
  • 不做富人,按照主的心意做个“穷人”,我们心甘情愿吗?Are we willing to be a ‘poor’ according to the Lord’s will?


Message Four: Is That Your Last Straw? (James 5:7-12)

讲员:喻马可弟兄 Speaker: Brother Mark Yu

讨论问题 Discussion Topics

  • 这段圣经里提到的两种忍耐,分别指什么?What is the difference between long suffering/patience and perseverance?
  • 我们能够忍耐的动机和动力是什么?What are the motivations that will help us be patient in suffering?
  • 为什么神说先前忍耐的人是有福的?Why are those who persevered called blessed by God?
  • “不起誓”,”是就是是”作为神的标准,和我们一般认为的诚实有什么区别?What is the difference between “Not making oath” or “let yes be yes” as God’s standards and our common understanding of “being honest”?