01/13/2019 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers 9:00AM

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM
圣哉,圣哉,圣哉 Holy, Holy, Holy.(2)
荣耀归于真神 To God be the Glory(33)
耶稣奇妙的救恩 Wonderful Grace of Jesus (99)

擘饼中敬拜主 Worship in Communion
与你更亲,我神 Nearer, My God, to Thee(584)

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目 Title:成事在神 The God Who Accomplishes
经文 Scripture:出埃及记 Exodus 4:18-31
讲员 Speaker:赵家纬弟兄 Brother Wayne Jau

家事报告,迎新 Announcement and Welcome

分组讨论 Small Group Discussion

  • 神如何看待祂的百姓?神为我们做了什么?神为何如此待我们?请说说你的感想。What does God think of His people? What has He done for us? Why would God treat us this way? Please share your thoughts.
  • 割礼对着新约神的儿女有什么意义?有什么生命功课的学习。What does circumcision mean to God’s people living in the NT time? What life lesson can you learn from that?
  • 这章最后的结局与摩西开始的想象完全不一样。这给你什么启发?The ending of this chapter is very different from what Moses imagined at the beginning. Does this give you any insight?

通知与代祷 Announcements and Prayer Requests

  • 请每个团契负责弟兄提供需要受洗的弟兄姐妹名单给郑翔野弟兄和喻马可弟兄,并安排同工与新弟兄姐妹交通《在基督里长进》。如果有交通或者教导上的需要,请与喻马可弟兄联系。具体受浸的安排会择日通知。For each fellowship group, please provide the name list of those who have decided to be baptised to brother Sean Zheng and Mark Yu. Please also arrange coworkers to study the book ‘Grow in Christ’ together with the new believers. If you need any support, you may reach out to brother Mark Yu. Further details regarding the coming baptismal ceremony will be announced later.