給弟兄姊妹的信 A letter to brothers and sisters












Dear Brothers and Sisters, peace to you in Christ,

Our church activities were all transferred online about a month ago, with our Sunday online worship entering its third week. Even though it is easy for us to see each other in this manner, online gatherings cannot bring forth the closeness accompanied by face to face interactions. In the midst of my longing for you all, I am willing to also share with you two burdens in my heart. One is the question of “How do we learn to continue our servitude during this time?”. And the other is allowing this pandemic to become an opportunity to examine ourselves.

The Moment of Believing

All of the church and bible study family’s coworkers share the same concern: With online gatherings, the communication amongst brothers and sisters will be negatively affected, caring for each other will be disrupted, and gospel outreach will be obstructed. If we share concerns towards the difficulties the church is facing, this actually means that we have started to follow the Lord’s heart. He truly hopes for his body to manifest the testimony of “the fullness of Him who fills all in all”; with abundant exuberance and influence. However, examining our surroundings and circumstances, we must go through a deep valley first. At the same time, we have spent much energy to devise preventive measures and monitored the development of the pandemic. However we are very limited in what we can do towards the progression of the pandemic This could bring great bondage to us, created by anxiety and fear. We should ask, what is the will of the Lord in the midst of this?

Peter, in his later days, wrote an epistle to the brothers and sisters dispersed in Asia Minor. At the time much children of God have encountered many kinds of persecution and were living in tribulation. The epistle of Peter have brought great comfort and encouragement to them. 1 Peter 22 says: “Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart.” How we wonder, Peter did not teach much in terms of how to face circumstances. It seems like he did not think that circumstance can truly influence the life of a Christian and his/her essence. What we obey is the truth, the Lord Himself. Our hearts have been set apart and purified. Therefore what should we emphasize on? It is the “sincere love”. This love surpasses circumstances and distance. No matter if it’s online or offline, no matter if it’s having a meal with each other in the past, or if you call each other to care for each other. Truly loving one another is the important element of the unity and testimony of the church. Our circumstances cannot obstruct our love for one another, instead, it helps us to examine our love for one another. If we truly believe that God sits on the throne high above the heavens, then we ought to abide by the Lord’s words and love each person, one by one. With the knowledge and skills God has gifted you, according to the burden He has given, invest your love into the people that God has planted in your heart. So, who did God plant in your heart?

The Moment of Repentance

This world used to be overly busy. Unknowingly a busy life has become the norm of our lives. In the past, being busy was an excuse for people, but now it has become the pursuit of people. From childhood that has just begun remembering things to the retirement age, this has all become a part of our busy lives. Once we have time to spare, what comes along is not enjoyment, but anxiety. We live our lives with each busy day passing by; as we age year by year. What are the remnants of our lives?

God gave prophet Joel these words: (Joel 2:25) “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten….” I remember Pastor David Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said that this is one of the most wondrous and comforting words in the Bible. These words were spoken to Joel through a great vision. If men have time, mistakes can be made up and paths can be straightened. However as Naomi bemoaned her old age, what you are faced with is life’s ending and judgment. However God says that he will restore the days. What kind of inspiration does this bring to each one of us?

Some people said that the SARS of 2003 changed many people’s lifestyles, prompting more frequent hand washing. We hope COVID-19 of 2020 not only brings us better hygiene habits, but also brings forth a habitual practice of frequently reflecting on our spiritual circumstances. As many businesses have stopped, travel and entertainment have slowed down, are we looking for the feeling of being busy or does this allow us to return to the Lord and enjoy a moment of peace with Him? If you have read books of prayer written by brother Andrew Murray, or the testimony of brother Robert Chapman, or the book “The Practice of the Presence of God”, you will admire the deep and sweet fellowship they had with the Lord. If these are true experiences, then now is a time of repentance. Not only for your sin, but also for how you have lived in front of the Lord.

May the Grace from our Lord Jesus be with you.

Brother Mark Yu


Sunday Service Live 主日线上聚会直播

04/05/2020 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers 9:00AM

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM
494 哦我魂可無恐It Is Well With My Soul
075 何等奇妙的救主What A Wonderful Saviour
002 聖哉聖哉聖哉 Holy Holy Holy

饼杯诗歌 Communion:079 古老的十字架 The old rugged cross

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message

题目 Title: 好心办坏事 Kindly Do Bad Things
经文 Scripture:路得记 Ruth 1:10-15
讲员 Speaker:喻马可弟兄  Brother Mark Yu

问题讨论 Discussion from the Message
1. 什么是智慧
What is wisdom?
2. 从路得记的经文来看,为什么说拿俄米是个“好人”,却缺乏智慧?
Based on the scripture of Ruth, why is Naomi a good woman with lack of wisdom?
3. 分享一下自己觉得需要智慧的地方。我们从哪里得智慧?
What aspect of you needs more wisdom? Where can we get wisdom?