03/01/2020 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers 9:00AM

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM
509 當轉眼仰望耶穌 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
454 我知主掌握明天  I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
552 禱告之時 Sweet Hour Of Prayer

擘饼中敬拜主 Worship in Communion
有福的确据 Blessed Assurance

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目 Title:美丽的故事 A Beautiful Story
经文 Scripture:路得记 Ruth 1:1-2
讲员 Speaker:喻马可弟兄  Brother Mark Yu


教会重要通告 ECTC Urgent Message

• 在会所的主日敬拜照常进行,暂停饭食(包括儿童主日学饭食和点心)和茶水供应,暂停小组讨论
• 周三祷告会和预查照常进行
• 周五小家聚会形式由家长决定,建议暂停饭食供应
• 周四姊妹聚会暂停
• 停止在会所所有的聚会,包括主日敬拜,周三祷告会和预查,改为线上聚会
• 停止周五小家聚会,改为线上聚会
Due to the Coronavirus still having the possibility to become a pandemic, for the purpose of avoiding unnecessary impact to church gathering and brothers and sisters’ daily lives, in addition to watchful prayers, we are also taking serious precautions.  We ask brothers and sisters to observe the following precautions.
1.  Please avoid traveling to high risk areas/countries before the spread has been effectively contained.  Please check cdc.gov for reference.  If you have travel plans to high risk areas in the near future, please cancel the trip.
2.  If you have recently returned from high risk areas, please perform a self-quarantine of 14 days before returning to any gathering.  If you have close contact with anyone returning from high risk areas, please also follow the same procedure.
3.  Due to the current flu season, if anyone has flu-like symptoms such as sinus, coughing, fever, etc., please immediately seek doctor treatment, do not procrastinate.  We suggest any brother/sister with symptoms to join Sunday gathering online.
4.  Please pay close attention to personal hygiene when you attend gatherings.  For the sake of protecting yourself and others, please wear personal protective equipment such as facial masks when necessary.  Please refrain from shaking hands and hugging as well has maintaining a safe distance and avoid long conversations.
Even though our area (greater NY/NJ) does not have any confirmed Coronavirus cases, we have decided to conduct the following measures effective immediately:
1.  Sunday gathering will continue, but all meals and beverage services (adult and children) will be cancelled.  Small group is also cancelled.  (You can bring your own closed capped bottles)
2.  Wednesday prayer meeting and prestudy will continue as usual.
3.  Friday night gathering will depend on each small family’s decision, we suggest stopping meals as well.
4.  Thursday sisters’ gathering are cancelled.
If the situation continues to progress and worsen (such as confirmed case appearing in NY/NJ area):
1.  Cancel all physical gatherings at the church and switch to online gathering.
2.  Cancel all physical Friday gatherings and switch to online gathering.
In moments like this, please take care of yourself for the sake of your family and church members.  Please watchfully prayer and ask for the mercy and protection from our Lord so this disease can be contained quickly.