9/16/18 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers 9:00AM

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM
7 祢真伟大 How Great Thou Art
628 照我本相 Just As I Am 
53 我有一位奇妙救主 I Have a Friend Whose Faithful Love

擘饼中敬拜主 Worship in Communion
21 父阿久在创世之前 Father, ’Twas Thy Love That Knew Us

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
讲员 Speaker: 刘志雄弟兄 Bro. Peter Liu
主题 Topic:  健康教会的标志 Signs of a Healthy Church
经文 Scripture:使徒行传 Acts 2:41-47

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第一次主日崇拜 First Sunday Worship

9月16日 周日将开始我们在 Englewood 的第一次主日聚会!欢迎大家一起来敬拜

September 16th Sunday will be our first Sunday Worship in Englewood! Everyone is welcome to join us