2024 感恩节退修会 Thanksgiving Retreat
註冊網址 Registration Link: https://retreat.ectcnj.org

 Sunday Worship 主日聚会
Zoom Link For Online Gathering 线上聚会链接

Hymn Book 诗歌本链接:

上午堂 Morning Service

10/27/24 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers  9:00AM (美东EST)

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM (美东EST)
向主欢呼 Shout to the Lord
在主前静默 Be Still for the Presence
607 爱就是 Love Was When

饼杯诗歌 Communion:
我在这里的敬拜 Here I Am to Worship

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目Title:哈拿的赞美诗 Hannah’s Praise
经文Scripture:撒母耳记上 1 Samuel 2:1-10
讲员Speaker:陈焕弟兄 Brother Roy Chen

讨论问题 Small Group Discussion
1. 哈拿献出了独生爱子,为什么会赞美神?
Why is Hannah praising God when she offered her only son?

2. 哈拿的生命有什么反转?
What is turned over in Hannah’s life?

3. 你在苦难中如何寻求神的旨意?请分享
How do you seek God’s will in suffering? Please share.

儿童讨论问题 Discussion Topics for Youth
1.  为什么哈拿如此喜乐?Why is Hannah so joyful?

2. 角代表什么?What does the horn stand for?

3. 你能对你的敌人开口吗?Can you open your mouth to your enemies?

4. 什么是圣洁的?What is holy?

5. 为什么哈拿称神如磐石?Why does Hannah say God like a rock?

6. 你说话骄傲了吗?Did you talk proudly?

7. 你知道主是知识的神吗?Do you know Lord is a God of knowledge?

8. 你知道主能提升贫穷或扶持有需要的人吗?Do you know Lord can raise up the poor or lift the needy?

9. 主可以守护什么?What can Lord guard?

10. 你现在正经历任何苦难吗?你可以寻求谁的帮助?Are you suffering from anything now? Whose help can you seek?

下午堂 Afternoon Service


10/27/24 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers 1:30PM (美东EST)

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 2:00PM (美东EST)
Above All 超越一切
There Is None Like You 无人能像你
552 祷告之时 Sweet Hour of Prayer

饼杯诗歌 Communion:
454 我知主掌握明天 I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目Title:除他以外 There’s none like Him
经文Scripture:撒母耳记上 1 Samuel 2:1-10
讲员Speaker:黄毅郎弟兄 Brother James Wong

讨论问题 Small Group Discussion
1. 哈拿的歡欣從何而來?人如何才可以得到真正的安息。你有類似的經歷嗎?
What made Hannah so joyful? How can we attain true peace? Have you experienced similar joy?

2. 4-8節講到幾個人生經歷的反轉,要表達什麼?
What is the main message in verses 4-8 about God turning situations upside down?

3. 如果從這段經文裡來找到你自己,你會是哪一個?
Which person or experience in the passage do you identify with, and why?


2024 感恩节退修会 Thanksgiving Retreat
註冊網址 Registration Link: https://retreat.ectcnj.org

 Sunday Worship 主日聚会
Zoom Link For Online Gathering 线上聚会链接

Hymn Book 诗歌本链接:

上午堂 Morning Service

10/20/24 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers  9:00AM (美东EST)

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM (美东EST)
33. 荣耀归于真神  To God Be The Glory
有一事我曾求告主 One Thing Have I Desired
304 奉献与你 Something for Thee

饼杯诗歌 Communion:
不是我, 乃是基督在里面活 Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目Title:耶和华的话语 Word of the Lord
经文Scripture:撒母耳记上 1 Samuel 1:19-28
讲员Speaker:刘熙同弟兄 Brother Xitong

讨论问题 Small Group Discussion
1. 前文提到了神使哈拿不能生育,后面又说神使哈拿生育。这是自相矛盾吗?为什么?
It mentioned that God closed Hannah’s womb in the previous message, and now God blessed Hannah with a child. Is this contradictory? Why?

2. 人来到神面前的奉献,最大的拦阻是什么?
What is the top obstacle that keeps people from coming to God for offering?

3. 神如何在哈拿身上成就祂的话语?神会在我们的身上继续成就祂的话语吗?
How did God accomplish His words through Hannah? Will God accomplish His words through us today?

Discussion Topics for Youth 儿童问题
1. Why did Hannah worship God in the beginning of the day?

2. Did God care about Hannah? Why?

3. What is the meaning of the name Samuel?

4. Why did Hannah say Samuel is a gift from God?

5. Hannah decided not to go to Shiloh for the first year. Why?

6. Did Elkanah agree with Hannah’s decision?

7. How old was Samuel when he was brought to Shiloh?

8. What are the sacrifices Hannah brought?

9. Did Hannah give back what she received from God? Why?

10. Are you willing to offer God what you receive from Him? What are the offerings?


下午堂 Afternoon Service


10/20/24 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers 1:30PM (美东EST)

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 2:00PM (美东EST)
在主面前静默 Be Still for the presence of the LORD
一生一世 All My Life
当我看见你的荣美 When I look into your Holiness

饼杯诗歌 Communion:
祂去加略 All the Way to Calvary He Went for Me

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目Title:耶和华应验祂的话语 Jehovah Fulfill His Word
经文Scripture:撒母耳记上 1 Samuel 1:19-28
讲员Speaker:李迦勒弟兄 Brother Caleb Li

讨论问题 Small Group Discussion
How do you feel about “God remembers his people”? Have you had such experiences in your life?

In this story, what examples can you find of Jehovah’s words being established in people?

Have we personally experienced God fulfilling His word?