11/29/2019 感恩节退休会週末 Thanksgiving Retreat Weekend

日期 Dates:11/29-12/01

地點 Venue:Harvey Cedars Bible Conference

主题 Theme:超越

详情 Details:http://www.ectcnj.org/retreat

手冊 Handbook: https://www.ectcnj.org/retreat/handbook.pdf

信息与小组讨论问题 Messages and small group discussion questions :

歌羅西書 Colossians 1:1-8
基督超越一切的神跡  His all-surpassing miracle

1. 你可以從這段經文裡面找到多少個神跡?神在歌羅西教會成就了哪些工作?
How many miracles can you find in the verses? What achievement has our God made in the Church of Colossae?

2. 在你的生命中,是否經歷過因盼望而產生的信心和愛心?什麼樣的人可以有盼望?
Have you experienced the faith and love born by hope? Who can have hope?

3. 根據7-8節,福音如何結果、增長?
How does the gospel bear fruit and increase, according to the verse 7-8?

歌羅西書 Colossians 1:9-14
一个超越一切的祷告 A surpassing prayer

1. 是什麼讓這個禱告成為「無與倫比」的禱告?為什麼這個禱告這麼重要?
What makes this prayer a “Surpassing prayer”? Why is this prayer so significant?

2. 保羅與提摩太「不住地」为歌羅西的弟兄姊妹們禱告,你能從他們這樣迫切的心裡面,得到哪些結論?
As Paul and Timothy “unceasingly” prayed for the Colossian brothers and sisters, what can you conclude from this kind of urgent attitude?

3. 是什麼讓這個禱告成為可能?又是什麼讓這個禱告成為真實?
What makes this prayer possible? What enables this prayer to become true?

歌羅西書 Colossians 1:15-18
超越一切的基督 The all-surpassing Christ

1. 為什麼說基督是神的像?「通過基督才能認識神」,這個真理對於你讀經會有什麼實際的幫助?
Why is Christ the image of God? “Knowing God through Christ”, how does this truth help you read the Bible in practice?

2. 「首生的,在一切以先的」,是什麼意思?神的創造最令你驚奇的部分是什麼?
“The firstborn of all creation”, what does it mean? For you, what is the most amazing part of God’s creation?

3. 為什麼說「祂在凡事上居首位」是非常激勵人心的事?
“In everything he might be preeminent”, why is this verse very exciting?