12/15/2019 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship
集体祷告 Prayers 9:00AM
诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM
121 Crown Him with Many Crowns 冠祂万王之王
182 O the deep deep love of Jesus 深哉深哉耶穌的愛
I believe in a hill called Mount Calvary我深信在那各各他山顶
擘饼中敬拜主 Worship in Communion
Lamb of God 真神羔羊
信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目 Title:鲜活的杰作 A Living Masterpiece
经文 Scripture:腓立比书 Phil 2:19-24
讲员 Speaker:喻马可弟兄 Brother Mark Yu
分组讨论 Small Group Discussion
1 神为何借着圣经给我们看到许多敬虔的榜样?这和属世的”榜样教育”有什么本质不同?
Why does God show us many godly example from the bible? How is it different from the worldly education in terms of learning from good examples
2 提摩太身上有哪些宝贵的品格?分享一下自己在这几方面的学习和成长。
What precious characteristics can you find on Timothy? Please share what you have learnt
3 从保罗和提摩太的关系里,你如何看到属灵生命的影响和传承?这对于我们服事有什么启发?
From the relationship between Paul and Timothy, can you see the influence and inheritance of the spiritual life in us? What inspires you to better serve our God?