ECTC 最新通知 New Announcement 03/02/2020

1 • 在会所所有的聚会,包括主日敬拜,周三祷告会和预查,全部改为线上聚会
2 • 周五小家聚会,具体请小家家长和同工安排
Dear Brothers and Sisters, due to the new COVID-19 case in Manhattan New York, we have made the following arrangements for our gatherings:
1.  all physical gatherings at the church will be switched to online, including Sunday worship, Wednesday prayer meeting and pre-study.
2.  all Friday gathering forms will be determined by small family coworkers.
In moments like this, please take care of yourself, for the sake of your family and other church members.  Please be watchful in your prayers and ask for the mercy and protection from our Lord so this disease can be contained quickly. May the Lord be the source of our strength and joy!