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02/21/2021 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers 9:00AM

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM|
306 活著為耶穌 Living For Jesus
574 在花園中 In The Garden
530 我們將要聚集河邊 Shall We Gather At The River

饼杯诗歌 Communion:

086 無他只有耶穌寶血 Nothing but the blood of Jesus

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message

题目 Title:超「凡」入「聖」的典禮 A Ceremony of Consecration
经文 Scripture:利未记 Leviticus 8:1-36
讲员 Speaker:  喻马可弟兄 Brother Mark Yu

讨论问题 Small Group Discussion
1. 神為什麼要設立祭司?分享祭司這個職分對你的意義?
Why did God appoint priests? Please share the meaning of priesthood to you

2. 為什麼祭司的穿著,成聖,獻祭都很重要?代表了什麼屬靈的教訓?
Why are priests’ clothing, sanctification, and sacrifice important? What spiritual lesson does it represent?

3. 在基督裡我們都是祭司,這有什麼實際的應用?
We are all priests in Christ. What practical application does this have?