Sunday Worship 主日聚会
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上午堂 Morning Service

07/21/24 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers  9:00AM (美东EST)

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM (美东EST)
12 这是天父的世界 This Is My Father’s World
向主欢呼 Shout to the Lord
我在这里敬拜 Here I am to Worship

饼杯诗歌 Communion:
同享主餐 Come, Share the Lord

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目Title:Reaffirming Grace 重申恩典
经文Scripture:帖撒羅尼迦后書 2 The 1:1-5
讲员Speaker:张泽竑弟兄 Brother Kevin Zhang

讨论问题 Small Group Discussion
1. Why did Paul remain so positive in the letter even though he is writing to correct their problems? 保罗写信既然是为了改正他们的错误,为什么还如此的积极?

2. What about the Thessalonians was Paul boasting about? 保罗为帖撒罗尼迦教会的哪方面夸口?

3. Why is the Thessalonians’ perseverance in the face of hardship a token of God’s righteous judgement? 帖撒罗尼迦教会在患难中的坚忍为什么说是神公义判断的明证?

儿童讨论问题 Questions for Kids

  1. Was the Thessalonians situation easy or hard?
  2. What is Paul’s relationship with the Thessalonians?
  3. Why does Paul repeatedly say, “God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ?”
  4. What does growing abundantly mean?
  5. How does the Thessalonians’ love for one another relate to Paul’s first letter?
  6. How do we know the Thessalonians have hope?
  7. Is it right for Paul to boast about the Thessalonians?
  8. What is a token?
  9. For what reason are the Thessalonians suffering?




下午堂 Afternoon Service


07/21/24 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers 1:30PM (美东EST)

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 2:00PM (美东EST)
713 感谢神 Thanks to God
主爱滋润我心 Gods love nurtures my heart
万物的结局近了 the end of all things is near

饼杯诗歌 Communion:
199 十架下我低头 Neath the cross of my savior

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目Title:别担心,我还在这里 Don’t Worry,I’m Still Here
经文Scripture:帖撒羅尼迦后書 2 The 1:1-5
讲员Speaker:李家纬 弟兄  Brother Jeff Lee

讨论问题 Small Group Discussion
1. 這四個確據當中,那一個對您的幫助最大?請分享為什麼。
From the 4 assurances presented today, which one helped you the most? Please share why.

2. 很清楚的,在這篇書信當中,保羅試著要安慰弟兄姊妹們。您能不能分享神使用您安慰或是堅固其它弟兄/姊妹的經歷?
Paul’s attempt to comfort brothers and sisters is evident in this passage. Can you share how God used you to comfort or assure another brother/sister?

3. “神藉著患難祝福人” 與 “患難是神旨意中的一部分” 這兩個思想,能不能分享一下您自己從患難中所學習到的功課?
“God bless through sufferings” and “sufferings are a part of God’s plan” are two concepts that are displayed in this passage, can you share your understanding or experiences on the topic of suffering and what you have learned from the experience?