9/23/18 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers 9:00AM

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM
诸天述说 All Heaven Declares
312 全所有奉献 I Surrender All
惟有基督 In Christ Alone

擘饼中敬拜主 Worship in Communion
584 与主更亲近 Nearer, My God, to Thee

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
讲员 Speaker: 郑翔野弟兄 Bro. Sean Zheng
主题 Topic:  谁是智慧人  Who is Wise?
经文 Scripture:雅各书 James 3:13-18

家事报告,迎新 Announcement and Welcome

分组讨论 Small Group Discussion

Announcements and Prayer Requests

  1. 安全提醒 Safety Notice
    If you park your car across the street, please follow directions provided by crossing guards/coworkers or use crosswalk designated for pedestrians.
    Since the church building is near busy streets, please stay with your children all the time when they are playing outside.
  2. 儿童主日学:教会提供3-6岁儿童主日学和午餐。请父母12:20准时接孩子。7岁(含)以上的儿童,请父母带领在大堂一起敬拜。每月第四(五)个主日没有安排儿童主日学。帮助儿童养成习惯,与父母一同参与聚会。
    Children’s Sunday School is provided for children between 3 and 6 years old. Lunch is provided. Please pick up your children at 12:20 PM. Older children will stay with parents in the chapel during entire Sunday worship. There will be no children’s Sunday school on the fourth (fifth) Sunday of each month. Parents shall encourage and help their children to worship together as a family.
  3. 成长学习:从10月起,每周日下午1:30至2:30。第一阶段着重交通“饼杯聚会”这个题目。请参与各岗位服事的同工参加。也鼓励其余弟兄姐妹积极参加。
    Spiritual Growth: Starting in October, there will be additional gathering between 1:30 and 2:30 PM for brothers and sisters who seek further spiritual growth. We will first focus on the topic of “Breaking the Bread”. All ECTC coworkers shall reserve time to attend. Other brothers and sisters are encouraged to attend as well.
  4. 祷告聚会:从九月起至年底,每周二晚8:00在BCTC有祷告会和预查圣经。
    Prayer Meeting: From September to the end of the year, prayer meetings will remain in BCTC, followed by Bible study.
  5. 关于奉献:自9月16日起,所有与植堂相关的奉献,如果支票抬头仍为BCTC,奉献款将会进入BCTC教会基金。如果弟兄姐妹对于新堂愿意有金钱的摆上,请开支票至ECTC。
  6. Regarding OfferingsStarting 9/16/2018, all offering made to BCTC regarding church planting will be accepted as BCTC’s general church fund. Therefore, if anyone is willing to offer for the new congregation, please make check payable to ‘ECTC’.