10/28/2018 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers 9:00AM

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM
信靠耶稣何等甘甜 Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus
爱救了我 Love Lifted Me
荣美的救主 Beautiful Savior

擘饼中敬拜主 Worship in Communion
因祂活着 Because He Lives

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目 Title:“好汉”摩西 The Outlaw Moses
经文 Scripture:出埃及记 Exodus 2:11-15
讲员 Speaker:简志敏弟兄 Brother James Jian

家事报告,迎新 Announcement and Welcome

分组讨论 Small Group Discussion

  • 我在学校学习经年,掌握了许多学问,我的成绩也不错。这有问题吗? I have learned a lot of knowledge and skill from school, and I have had good grades also. Is there anything wrong with that?
  • 如何看待年轻人热切盼望服事主的心愿?How do you consider the passion of serving the Lord from the young people among us?
  • 生活在现代社会的我们,怎么能经历“向死而生”?For us who live in this modern age, how can we experience “Live for Death”?

通知与代祷 Announcements and Prayer Requests

  • 请弟兄姐妹继续为感恩节聚会代祷。还未注册的弟兄姐妹,请尽快至以下网站注册,以便同工安排各项事宜。Please continue pray for our Thanksgiving Retreat. If you have not registered yet, please do so as soon as possible. https://www.ectcnj.org/retreat/registration.html
  • 感谢主,负责同工们经过一段时间多次的祷告与交通之后,在昨天的教会同工会确认喻马可弟兄为ECTC的全职同工。盼望弟兄姐妹们能够为他与他的家庭祷告,成为主所能使用的器皿。Thanks to our Lord, after seeking in prayers and fellowship before Him, the responsible co-workers have confirmed that brother Mark Yu will be serving as a full-time co-worker in ECTC. This has been shared during yesterday’s church co-workers meeting. We hope that brothers and sisters will continue to pray for him and his family so they can become the Lord’s vessel.