02/10/2019 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship
集体祷告 Prayers 9:00AM
诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM
因祂活着 Because He Lives
站立你面前赞美不息 I Stand in Awe of You
那双看不见的手 The Invisible Hands
擘饼中敬拜主 Worship in Communion
近十架 Near the Cross(78)
信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目 Title:他们好知道我是耶和华 Ye Shall Know that I AM Jehoavh
经文 Scripture:出埃及记 Exodus 7:6-11:10
讲员 Speaker:刘志民弟兄 Brother Paul Liu
分组讨论 Small Group Discussion
- 神为什么要多次降灾给埃及,而不一次到位?这跟神要埃及人知道”祂是耶和华”有什么关系?Why did God cast multiple plagues to Egypt instead of one. What does this have anything to do with the purpose that ‘the Egyptians may know that He is Jehovah’?
- 神除了叫以色列人知道”祂是耶和华”之外,为什么还要叫埃及人知道祂是耶和华?Besides the Israelites, why does God also want the Egyptians to know that He is Jehovah?
- 摩西何以拒绝法老所提出离开埃及的条件?这背后的属灵教训在哪里?Why did Moses refuse Pharoah’s conditions for the Israelites to leave Egypt? What spiritual lesson does this teach?