03/10/2019 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM
祢真伟大 How Great Thou Art (7)
荣耀归于真神 To God be the Glory (33)
信靠耶稣何其甘甜 Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus (434)

擘饼中敬拜主 Worship in Communion
主替我还清 Jesus Paid It All (196)

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目 Title:耶和华是我的诗歌 Jehovah is My Song
经文 Scripture:出埃及记 Exodus 15:1-21
讲员 Speaker:赵家纬弟兄 Brother Wayne Jau

分组讨论 Small Group Discussion

  1. 神为什么需要把我们放在苦难中?Why does God let us go through trials and difficulties?
  2. 你心中的耶和华是什么样的神?说说你们的认识和经历。What is God like in your heart? Please share your understanding and experience.
  3. 我们或多或少都认识或经历过神。你心中有没有感谢或诗歌可以献给他?We have experience God, more or less. Do you have any thanksgiving or songs that you would like to offer to Him?

家事报告与代祷事项 Announcements and Prayer Requests

  1. BCTC年度退休会将在4/12-4/14与Harvey Cedars举行。请ECTC的弟兄姐妹预留时间参加。4月14日,ECTC没有主日崇拜,若因故无法参加退休会,请于该主日往BCTC参加主日崇拜。报名链接www.bctcnj.org/retreat/
    ECTC congregation will join BCTC Retreat at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference from 4/12 to 4/14. Please arrange your schedule to join. Since there will be NO gathering on 4/14 in Englewood, those who cannot make it to retreat, please join the gathering at BCTC in Wyckoff. Link for registration:www.bctcnj.org/retreat
  2. 三月祷告会日期调整:3月23日晚8时在116 Brown Circle Paramus 有祷告聚会。There will another prayer meeting on March 23rd 8:00PM at 116 Brown Circle Paramus NJ.
  3. 3月17日为受浸见证聚会。请为以下要受洗的弟兄姐妹祷告:祁瀚杰,吴宜道,陈豪,张里哲,罗仁品,刘小平,汪晓燕,鞠东润,陈亚男,姚梓颖。该日上午在ECTC有见证聚会。受洗典礼将在2:00PM于BCTC举行。请弟兄姐妹预留时间参加。
    Please pray for the brothers and sisters who will be baptized on March 17th. There will be testimony sharing at ECTC in the morning and the ceremony will take place in BCTC at 2:00.
  4. Marco弟兄和丁洁姐妹的婚礼将在下周六下午1:00于Hawthorne Gospel Church 举行(100 RT-208N Hawthorne, New Jersey 07506)。The wedding ceremony of brother Marco and sister Ding Jie will take place at 1:00PM on Saturday (3/16) at Hawthorne Gospel Church.