ECTC 聚会通知 Upcoming Gathering Update
6/6 主日開始: 週日主日聚會: 取消主日聚會人數限制與報名。鼓勵弟兄姊妹們主日到教堂聚會。線上Zoon的連接還是會繼續。分小組的Zoom房間也會繼續。建議大家戴口罩並且試著保持距離。兒童主日學的安排會盡快與弟兄姊妹們報告。6/6 Sunday Worship: Cancelling chapel gathering capacity limits and registration. Encourage brothers and sisters to return to the chapel for worship. Suggest to continue mask wearing and social distancing. The plan for children’s Sunday school will be announced soon.
6/9 週三開始: 週三禱告聚會與預查: 將會回到教堂舉行。線上的連接 (LINE 與 Zoom) 還是會繼續使用。這是我們一起為神家中的事情禱告交通的時間。實在是盼望大家能夠繼續參加
6/9 Wednesday prayer meeting and Bible pre-study: Returning to chapel gathering. All online access (LINE and Zoom) will continue to be available. This is the time for us to pray for the house of God, we truly hope you can join us.
6/11 週五開始: 週五的查經聚會: 由於每一個小家的聚會情形都不同,我們讓每一個小家各自決定如何恢復正常聚會。
6/11 Friday Bible Study: Due to different circumstances surrounding each study family, we ask each study family to determine how to resume normal fellowship.