2025 植堂奉献通知 Church Planting Donation Information
通知网址 Information Link: https://www.ectcnj.org/2025churchplantinginfo

 Sunday Worship 主日聚会
Zoom Link For Online Gathering 线上聚会链接

上午堂 Morning Service

01/05/25 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers  9:00AM (美东EST)

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM (美东EST)
452 你信实何广大 Great Is Thy Faithfulness
当我们聚集时& 我主最稳固 As We Gather/ The Steadfast Love of the Lord
安然过 Through It All

饼杯诗歌 Communion:
Communion: 信靠耶稣真是甜美 Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目Title:賠了約櫃又折兵 Losing the Ark and Losing the Soldiers
经文Scripture:撒母耳記上 4:1-11 1 Samuel 4:1-11
讲员Speaker:陈正平弟兄 Brother Joshua Chan

讨论问题 Small Group Discussion
1. 請分享當你遇見失敗和困難的時候,你是如何問神跟神禱告?你是否有讓神對你的心說話?
Please share why the word of the Lord was rare? Is it a good thing or a bad thing that God doesn’t speak to you? Why?//Please share how you ask and pray to God when you encounter failures and difficulties? Have you allowed God to speak to your heart?

2. 耶和華寧可讓神的約櫃被擄去,為了是要教導以色列人和我們有什麼功課?這對你有什麼警告和啟發?
Please share what is preventing you from hearing the voice of God in your life? How do you discern the voice of God?//Jehovah would rather let the ark of God be captured in order to teach the Israelites and us what lessons? What warning and inspiration does this give you?

3. 請分享當你看見以利兩個兒子受到審判,你看見神的什麼屬性?這對你認識神有什麼幫助?
Please share what attitude people should have towards God’s words?//Please share when you saw Eli’s two sons being judged, what attributes of God did you see? How does this help you know God?

Discussion Topics for Youth 儿童问题

1. 在《撒母耳记》上第1-3章和第4-6章中,谁是主要人物?Who is the main character in 1 Samuel chapters 1-3 and chapters 4-6?
2. 第4章中记载了多少场战斗?第一场战斗中有多少以色列人阵亡?How many battles are recorded in chapters 4? How many Israelites died in the first battle?
3. 战败后,以色列人问了什么问题?After losing the battle, what question did the Israelites ask?
4. 是谁导致以色列人战败的?Who caused the Israelites to lose the battle?
5. 当我们向神祷告时,我们是否也渴望聆听祂对我们的回应?When we pray to God, do we also want to hear Him speak to us?
6. 圣经如何描述约柜?约柜象征着什么?How does the Bible describe the Ark of the Covenant? What does it symbolize?
7. 是谁将约柜抬到战场上的?Who carried the Ark of the Covenant to the battlefield?
8. 以色列人的反应是什么?非利士人是如何回应的?How did the Israelites react? How did the Philistines respond?
9. 第二场战斗中,有多少以色列人阵亡?How many Israelites died in the second battle?
10. 这场战斗中失去了什么?What was lost in this battle?
11. 神的能力可以被人随意操控吗?为什么不可以?Can God’s power be manipulated casually by people? Why not?
12. 神通过什么方式帮助我们更好地认识自己和祂?Through what means does God help us better understand ourselves and Him?

下午堂 Afternoon Service

01/05/25 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers 1:30PM (美东EST)

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 2:00PM (美东EST)
21 父啊,久在创世之前 Father, ’twas Thy Love That Knew Us
452 你信实何广大 Great Is Thy Faithfulness
607 爱就是 Love Was When

饼杯诗歌 Communion:
688 愿主为我擘开生命的饼 Break Thou the Bread of Life

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目Title:可怕的迷信 The Terrifying Superstition
经文Scripture: 撒母耳記上 4:1-11 1 Samuel 4:1-11
讲员Speaker:王斐弟兄 Brother Fei Wang

讨论问题 Small Group Discussion
1. 当以色列军队第一次被非利士人打败,长老想了什么办法?他们为什么会想出这个办法?
When the Israelite army was first defeated by the Philistines, what solution did the elders come up with? Why did they think of this solution?

2. 当神的约柜和祭司来到以色列军营中的时候,士兵们是什么反应?试图推测他们的心态
When the Ark of the Covenant and the priests arrived at the Israelite camp, how did the soldiers react? Try to infer their mindset.

3. 当以色列军队第二次被非利士人打败,约柜被掳,祭司被杀,逃跑的士兵是什么心态?
After the Israelite army was defeated by the Philistines a second time, with the Ark captured and the priests killed, what was the mindset of the soldiers who fled?

4. 在你的属灵生活的方方面面中,是否有迷信的元素?如果有,你会如何面对和克服?
Are there elements of superstition in any aspect of your spiritual life? If so, how would you face and overcome them?


 2025 植堂奉献通知 Church Planting Donation Information
通知网址 Information Link: https://www.ectcnj.org/2025churchplantinginfo

 Sunday Worship 主日聚会
Zoom Link For Online Gathering 线上聚会链接

12/29/2024 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers 9:00AM

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration:  9:30AM
047 普世欢腾 Joy to The World
431 惟知道我所信的是谁 I Know Whom I Have Believed
494 哦我魂,可无恐 It is Well With My Soul

饼杯诗歌 Communion:
Communion: 607 爱就是 Love Was When

见证分享 Sharing Testimonies
张姝婧姐妹 Sister Shujing Zhang
王郅超弟兄 Brother Zhichao Wang
Joey Wang弟兄 Brother Joey Wang