2024 感恩节退修会 Thanksgiving Retreat
注册网址 Registration Link: https://retreat.ectcnj.org

 Sunday Worship 主日聚会
Zoom Link For Online Gathering 线上聚会链接

Hymn Book 诗歌本链接:

上午堂 Morning Service

11/24/24 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers  9:00AM (美东EST)

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM (美东EST)
11 献上感谢 Give Thanks
在主面前静默 Be Still for the Presence
我在这里 Here I Am, Lord

饼杯诗歌 Communion:
你为何拣选我 Why Have You Chosen Me

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目Title:神在说话,谁在听? God Is Speaking, Who Is Listening?
经文Scripture:撒母耳记上 1 Samuel 3:1-10
讲员Speaker:陈正平弟兄 Brother Joshua Chan

讨论问题 Small Group Discussion
1. 請分享為什麼耶和華的言語稀少?神不對你說話是好事還是壞事?為什麼?
Please share why the word of the Lord was rare? Is it a good thing or a bad thing that God doesn’t speak to you? Why?

2. 請分享在你生命中是什麼攔阻你無法聽到神的聲音?你怎麼分辨神的聲音?
Please share what is preventing you from hearing the voice of God in your life? How do you discern the voice of God?

3. 請分享人對神話語應該有什麼樣的態度?
Please share what attitude people should have towards God’s words?

Discussion Topics for Youth 儿童问题

1. 当你失去某样东西时,你的感受如何?How do you feel when you lose something?
2. 撒母耳在谁面前侍奉神?Before whom did Samuel serve God?
3. 为什么耶和华的话语稀少?Why was the word of the Lord rare?
4. 如果神不对你说话,这是好事还是坏事?Is it good or bad that God doesn’t speak to you?
5. 神的灯还未熄灭是什么意思?What does it mean that God’s lamp has not yet gone out?
6. 撒母耳睡在哪里?Where did Samuel sleep?
7. 神呼唤撒母耳多少次?How many times did God call Samuel?
8. 如果有人半夜叫醒你,你会有什么感受?How do you feel when someone wakes you up in the middle of the night?
9. 如果神不对我们说话,我们还能认识祂吗?If God does not speak to us, can we know Him?
10. 你如何分辨神的声音?How can you discern the voice of God?
11. 人应该以什么样的态度对待神的话语?What attitude should people have towards God’s words?

下午堂 Afternoon Service


11/24/24 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers 1:30PM (美东EST)

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 2:00PM (美东EST)
628 照我本相 Just as I Am
494 亲近更亲近 It is Well With My Soul
542 再不久 In the Sweet By and By

饼杯诗歌 Communion:
586 哦,我魂,可无恐 Nearer, Still Nearer

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目Title:耶和华的呼召Call of the Lord
经文Scripture: 撒母耳记上 1 Samuel 3:1-10
讲员Speaker:刘熙同弟兄 Brother Xitong Liu

讨论问题 Small Group Discussion

1. 神的話語稀少,和神要對祂的百姓說話,有矛盾嗎?為什麼?
God’s word was rare, and God is speaking to His people. Is that contradictory? Why?

2. 神為什麼要多次呼召撒母耳?從對撒母耳的呼召中,你能看到神有那些原則?
Why did God call Samuel several times? Do we observe any principles from the call to Samuel?

3. 在我們每天的生活中,神是如何對祂的兒女說話?
How does God speak to His children in our daily life?


2024 感恩节退修会 Thanksgiving Retreat
註冊網址 Registration Link: https://retreat.ectcnj.org

Sunday Worship 主日聚会
Zoom Link For Online Gathering 线上聚会链接

联合聚会 Unified Service

11/17/24 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship

集体祷告 Prayers  9:00AM (美东EST)

诗歌中敬拜主 Worship in Singspiration 9:30AM (美东EST)
431 惟知道我所信的是谁 I Know Whom I Have Believed
326 谷中百合花The Lily of the Valley
442 祂看顾麻雀His Eye is On the Sparrow

饼杯诗歌 Communion:
332 我宁愿有耶稣I’d rather have Jesus

信息中敬拜主 Worship in Message
题目Title:天国的原则 The Principles of the Kingdom of Heaven
经文Scripture:马太福音 Matthew 5:3-4
讲员Speaker:喻马可弟兄 Brother Mark Yu

讨论问题 Small Group Discussion
1. What is the ‘Blessing’ that the Bible talks about? Have you experienced any?

2. What does it mean by ‘poor in spirit’? Have you experienced it?

3. Why do people in the kingdom of heaven mourn?Have you experienced it?