注册 (Registration)

请于在线注册系统中输入你的详细信息: 进入注册

Please input your information in detail on the online registration form.


We will arrange the lodging on the camp and pickup on that day accordingly based on your information in the registration form.


Registration Deadline: 11/20/2019

花费 (Cost)

  • 18 岁及以上 (18 and above): $200
  • 15 ~ 17: 免费 (Free)

支票抬头请写: Englewood Christian Testimony Church, Memo Note 请写 ECTC Retreat. 我们会在来年一月底的时候向你支票上的地址寄去可扣税的清单

Please make the check payable to Englewood Christian Testimony Church. Memo Note for ECTC Retreat. We will make the tax deductible receipt around the end of January based on the name and address on the check.

报到时间 (Onsite Check-in)

11/29 12:30 - 14:20

退休会行程 (Retreat Schedule)


接送 (Pick Up)

如果您是独自坐飞机从外州来参加退修会,我们可以为您提供 Newark 机场(EWR)的接机。

If you take flights from other states to New Jersey, we could pick you up at the Newark (EWR) airport.

我们可以在 周五 提供接机,时间如下:

We could pick you up on Friday with the following time:

  • 12:00 pm Friday 11/29/2019

请根据以上时间订购您的机票, 并且在 特别需求(Lodging and Pickup special request) 这一栏填入“EWR 机场” 或 ”Newark Airport” 以及到达时间. 如果您提早到达机场,请在机场稍作休息,等待服事的弟兄姐妹到达。

Please follow the time listed above to book flights, and enter ‘EWR Airport’ or ‘Newark Airport’ and arrival time at the Lodging and Pickup special request box of registration form. If you arrive at the airport early, please wait patiently before our co-workers arrive.

如果您打算独自乘坐公共交通从外州来参加退修会,我们也可以会为您提供新泽西州的两个接送点以及 聚会点附近的接送。 地点如下:

If you plan to take bus from other states to New Jersey. we could also pick you up at the following locations and time.

  • 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Paramus, NJ
  • 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Fort Lee, NJ

请根据以上时间订购您的车票,并且在 特别需求(Lodging and Pickup special request) 这一栏填入“巴士”或者 “Bus”以及到达时间

Please book your tickets according to the time above, and enter ‘bus’ and arrival time at the Lodging and Pickup special request box of registration form.


After the retreat finishes, we will send you back to airport or bus station.