
主题经文: 歌罗西书 1 章

保罗对歌罗西教会所写的书信,是圣经中很独特的一卷书,它强调了基督那超越一切的特性。 在保罗被监禁期间,他把这封信写给在歌罗西的教会,描述了基督那在万有之上的崇高地位, 和他无与伦比的超越性。本次退休会,我们将一同学习歌罗西书第一章。靠着神的恩典, 我们盼望可以在“基督超越一切的神迹”,“一个超越一切的祷告”,“超越一切的基督”, “基督超越一切的和好”这四方面,得着神的启示。主通过祂的话,一直在向我们彰显祂自己。 愿主的话向我们解开,让我们可以更多的认识祂。


Scripture: Colossians 1

The Epistle of Paul to the Colossians is a unique book of the Bible in its emphasis on the all-surpassing nature of Christ. This book, likely written to the church in Colossae during Paul’s imprisonment, describes Christ’s preeminence over all things and His transcendence thereof. During this retreat, we shall study the first chapter of Colossians. By God’s grace we may receive His revelation regarding His all-surpassing miracle, a surpassing prayer, the all-surpassing Christ, and His all-surpassing reconciliation. May the Lord’s words enlighten us, and may we know Him more as He reveals Himself to us through His words.