
讲员:喻马可 Mark Yu

在情与爱的天堂里?还是在仇与恨的地狱中?你到底期待怎样的婚姻呢?岂不知你们进入婚姻的同时, 基督也进入了你们的生命。这是值得我们探索的启示

The Meaning of Marriage

Speaker: Mark Yu

Are you in the heaven of love and affection? Or in the hell of sorrow and hatred? What kind of marriage are you looking for? Do you not know that Christ entered into your lives at the same time that you entered into marriage? This is a revelation worth exploring.


讲员:Joshua Chan


  • 了解孩童和孩童的行為
  • 建立孩子的自尊心
  • 學習與您的孩子傾聽和交談
  • 幫助孩童學習合作
  • 管教和訓練孩童

How to Discipline Children

Speaker: Joshua Chan

We’re all new parents, and kids don’t know rules by nature. With examples of biblical principles and the life of true love, let’s study and communicate on these topics:

  • learning about children and their behavior
  • building your child’s self-esteem
  • learning to listen and talk with your child
  • helping children learn to cooperate
  • disciplining and training children


Speaker: James Wong


Christians and LGBTQ

Speaker: James Wong

What does the world say, what does the bible say, and what should we do about it?